trickster’s trash

jj slide

pendant slide 2

pendulum slide 1

earrings slide 2

pixy slide

pendulum slide 2

earrings slide 1

fhd slide

pendant slide

this is where i babble about the stuff i make • it’s trash

no, literally, it’s trash • it’s made of stuff i pick up off the side of the road • or the creek edge, or the driveway, sometimes out in the woods, but still • usually on the edge of something or other • under the bridge, or at a rest stop, sometimes in hedgerows • you know the sort of place that isn’t one thing or another • liminal space

there’s enough made & immediately wasted in the world • theres enough old & unwanted crap cluttering things up • (kinda feeling the ‘old’ part at least these days tbh) • no point in spending money on brand-new wire & beads that nobody else has touched before • when i can take home old unwanted stuff for fifty cents & a smile • & turn it into something that’s BEAUTIFUL • that’s WANTED

newest trash (gallery of older trash this way –>)

trash by category


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