from ferns that drop their tears (the waters and the wild #23)

$167.00free shipping!

That cottonwood twig broke in two places while I was making this • I am TERRIFIED to ship it

ten dollars from each faery home decor piece will go to SLV’s Tea Spot • it’s a new queer community center here in Alamosa • they’re good people • & the couches are DIVINE

For this first collection of only faery & pixy home decor pieces I had to go back to an old favorite. Not gonna quote the whole thing here, just the bits you’ll recognize. Go read the whole thing — I never had, until now.

Come away, O human child!
To the waters and the wild
With a faery, hand in hand,
For the world’s more full of weeping than you can understand.

— WB Yeats, The Stolen Child

(I feel like Yeats was trying to position being stolen away by the faeries as a bad thing, but tbh I’m not seeing it.)

Availability: Only 1 left in stock

• the copper wire is from my brother-in-law, who used to fix diesel generators for a living • to him, it’s scrap • to me, it’s YAY FREE WIRE

• both of the sticks came from Cole Park in Alamosa • i found one, Jasper brought home the other

• i THINK all of the beads came home from Pennsic with my roommate • maybe not the silvery ones, tho

it's this big:

• this faerie home decor piece is 9.5″ tall, including the s hook

• & *digs out the BIG ruler* 15.5″ wide at the widest point

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