crap free?
safe, natural, & crap free, guaranteed • soap, tea, bath salts, lip balms & more • because soap matters
liminal fripperies?
all of this jewelry i make? • the outside art to hang on your wall? • look, it’s trash • literally made from stuff nobody else wanted
everything else?
so far we’re got Jasper’s leather stuff • pouches & nice sturdy straps • more to come, though • watch this space
featured crap
mari lwyd soap$8.00
mother of the crows soap$8.00
the october country soap$8.00
dragon’s blood bath salts$7.00
blog (mostly cats)
newest crap
rainbow packing tape$16.00
beeswax tea lights$5.00
a light of knowledge and love (they cannot conquer forever 6)$149.00free shipping!
there was light and high beauty (they cannot conquer forever 5)$127.00free shipping!

also there’s a newsletter
Mostly this is where I babble about what I’ve been doing. Or what Loiosh has been doing. Sometimes he writes it, it’s hilarious.
I don’t share your info with anyone! Because that’s rude! Check out my privacy policy about that.
most popular crap
mari lwyd soap$8.00
wash ya hands soap$6.00
wicked girls saving ourselves soap$8.00
ma cobb’s joint salve$12.00