some cats
This is Baldur! I am told that he is Very Happy whenever his humans get a box from me.
The latches finally showed up, & they worked even better than I’d hoped. LOOK at that. & it holds the shutter closed without the slightest wiggle. I am VERY pleased.
incremental progress Read More »
When I first met Major Tom, that wasn’t even his name yet — he was called Tom, or Tom Tom, as befits the feral tom that’s been hanging around the back yard. The above picture didn’t happen until I’d known him for a month or three; at first, he wouldn’t get within twenty feet of
I mean. There’s Stuff going on, & it’s Distracting, focus is … not entirely a thing. But I am getting things done! Above: shelves, for a set of shelves that will, once they’re done, hold all my soap backstock. Given that currently that’s sort of shoved in a corner in my workroom, this is a
I was GOING to get that shutter done today, since I’d finally managed to pick up the hinges from Home Despot on Friday, & I was REALLY excited, except that when I opened the bag, this is what came out. Yep, that is one (1) hinge. Note the presence of two little baggies of screws,
shutter hinges, only not Read More »
… or spikiness, as the case may be. But even the spiky can be beautiful. I knew this flower as Indian Paintbrush but it occurred to me that 1) probably the name is kind of racist & 2) probably the people who lived here first have another name for it so I went looking. The
asploring: nature’s beauty Read More »
mostly because he’s the only one of the lot who’ll happily follow along without buggering off somewhere & winding up across the street, YES, I’M TALKING TO YOU, LOIOSH Me & my roommate Inoru went off walkies a day or two ago; I’d spotted a hrse skull I wanted to pick up, & they wanted
asploring with a tomcat Read More »
I did get most of the trim on last Monday, but then there was Stuff & I didn’t get back to it until the end of the week, so here is where I started yesterday morning.
We brought home LOTS of treasure. LOOK at all this piñon resin. It’s more than five ounces, & that long piece in the back is an ounce & a half all on its own. I found a cool carved-stone pipe that I kinda love. The horse skull is what I went out to fetch —
asploring: treasure Read More »
I’m as far as I can get on the front window until the hinges come in, so I moved on to the next bit. Tyrava’s side door gets a bit of leaking going on when it rains, so that’s my next project — or at least part of it, because the weather had opinions too.
door trim & a bit of Tom Read More »