cats: ABSOLUTELY not snuggling

2025 02 04 12.01.38

[ Loiosh, an orange tabby, is flopped in the cat bed on my bed, mostly asleep; one eye is just barely cracked open. In front of him is the slanting line of Major Tom’s back, with just a bit of his tail appearing off to the left. ]

They do not snuggle. They DON’T. They don’t LIKE each other that much.

… I caught them snuggling. To be fair, it was pretty chilly at the time.

Here’s the really damning photo.

2025 02 04 12.01.21

[ This picture’s taken from above. Loiosh is in a compact flop on his side, all of his paws neatly tucked under Tom. Tom is in an elongated, curved loaf, head next to Loiosh’s butt, tail stretching off the bed. They’re both making skeptical ears about the situation but Tom’s are tilted MUCH further back. ]

This, though? There’s NO denying this.

2025 03 02 07.57.44

[ Loiosh is curled up small, in the same bed. All of his paws are in a neat pile, with his tail curled over them. He’s awake, but not very; his one visible ear is airplaned out to the side. This is likely because Tom is standing over him, head only partly visible behind Loiosh’s, but he’s very clearly in the ‘I am washing this thing’ pose. ]

Want a bit more evidence? How bout THIS:

[ Seven seconds of Tom washing Loiosh’s scruff. Loiosh is staring stoically into space; one hindpaw is just slightly lifted, as if he was about to scratch himself but got stuck partway through. He is wearing an extremely resigned expression. ]

Two seconds after I stopped recording there was violence, but that’s cats for ya.

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