cats: welp. juniper bush.

2025 01 14 14.56.21

[ Loiosh, an orange tabby wearing a green harness, is hunkered on the sidewalk, under a pale green juniper bush. He’s pointedly looking away from the camera. ]

What this photo doesn’t show is the VERY enthusiastic puppy who REALLY REALLY REALLY just WANTED TO BE FRIENDS.

Anyway we were up in Salida, as we often are, & the boy found a juniper bush, as he often does, & things proceeded as they usually will.

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[ Loiosh is walking past and slightly under another juniper bush, this one a much deeper green. His head is ducked to pass underneath the branches, and he is licking his nose. ]

Eventually the puppy wandered on, & Loiosh was left to huff his juniper bush in relative peace.

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[ Loiosh has his head stuffed in under the juniper bush and is, in fact, huffing dried juniper needles and aspen leaves underneath it. ]

Until, at least, I got bored, at which point I stuffed him back in the stroller & we wandered on.

All the way down to the river, in fact, where as usual we made our way down to the standing wave.

It’s sort of sitting, this time of year.

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[ The water’s low, the wave still plunges dramatically over the hump in the riverbed, but the breakers at the base of the wave are only maybe a foot high. In the foreground, a traffic cone and a tarp spread over the entrance to the wave mark that access to it is closed. ]

& then we wandered our slow way back up the path. At least until Loiosh managed to find the very last tuft of green grass in all existence, & ate it.

2025 01 14 15.12.08

[ Seen from above, one sad, lonely, slightly wilting tuft of green grass grows next to a pretty big grey rock. Loiosh’s head blocks part of it from view. Because he’s eating it. ]

I’m pretty sure there’ll be more green grass soon. I certainly hope so. For Loiosh’s sake.

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