[ An empty, mostly clean stainless steel sink basin. There’s a drain strainer at the bottom, and a tiny bit of white plumbing pipe is visible below. ]
Okay, it took a while.
… okay, it took years.
But! I finally went back to the local plumbing supply place, bought the things I needed with some assistance from the lady behind the counter …
… & then, on a day when I had the spoons to do the thing AND Morgyn had the spoons to get the dish tubs out of the sink, I actually got it done.
We have a sink. That DRAINS.

[ Below the sink, horizontal white piping leads down from each sink basin and meets in the middle, from which more pipe angles downward and to the left. Soapy water is gushing from the bottom into a clear, square bin. There is no water anywhere it isn’t supposed to be. ]
Morgyn spent probably ten minutes pouring water into each sink basin, in turn, & then we’d watch it pour into the bin, & cackle.