[ Major Tom, a big grey tabby, is curled up asleep on a pillow on my bed. ]
But we know who really owns the place, & it ain’t me.
Tom lived rough for the first couple years of his life. I don’t begrudge him a soft place to sleep, even when it’s (hypothetically) my pillow.
I’ll absolutely disturb him to get a good pic or three, though.

[ A pretty close view of Tom’s face. His eyes are mostly open but still a little squinty. The whiskers on the right side of his face are still squished down from sleeping on them. ]
He doesn’t wake up quick, these days, & I love that for him. It also means I can get pictures of him looking like that. I almost feel bad, except that I really don’t.
He doesn’t _really_ mind it as long as he gets some love out of it, so of course I gave him a good scritching, after which he was much more willing to be conscious.

[ He’s now meatloafed in the same spot on my pillow, ears and whiskers alert, looking generally pleased. ]
Still doesn’t want the camera TOO much in his face, though.

[ A very close view of Tom’s face. He is very deliberately not looking at the camera even though it’s RIGHT there. ]
That? That was too close.