cats: in which Loiosh actually, for the first time in a while, does his job

2024 09 14 11.47.17

[ Loiosh, an orange tabby wearing a green harness, is standing in front of the booth, an open can of gooshyfud in front of him. He’s staring at the camera, ears alert, as if wary of any attempt to separate him from his breakfast. ]

He was SO. HAPPY.

He forced me into a chair, occupied my chest, & PURRED for a half hour straight in the middle of setup.

He trot-trotted up to potential customers, demanding his due of LOVE & also WOULD YOU LIKE A PAIR OF EARRINGS, then pointedly stood on their shoes when they (briefly) stopped paying him the proper amount of attention.

He prevented me from working on the project of the day, by placing his entire self on top of most of it & falling asleep.

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[ Loiosh is flopped on my workbench, taking up a good amount of the available space. The jewelry anvil is, however, not covered in cat. ]

I took him for a walk, during which he charmed all present members of the Salida Circus & also everyone who was in Milagros at the time. & then we headed back to _our_ booth, where he quite decoratively fell asleep on my jewelry work bag.

2024 09 14 15.47.19

[ Loiosh is laying down, one forepaw draped over the edge of my jewelry work bag, head leaning against his leg. He is absolutely, comprehensively asleep. ]

Eventually gravity did what gravity does.

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[ His muzzle has sunk so that it’s tucked down next to the jewelry bag, which he is, also, hugging with both forelegs. ]

He even helped with teardown, by which I mean he mostly stayed out of the way! Which is honestly pretty unusual but we’re all out of practice. It happens.

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