cats: in which Sigdis’s presence is required Upstairs

2024 08 01 18.44.12

[ Sigdis, a chonky black cat with a white splotch on her chest, is flopped at her ease on a piece of plywood on the floor. One forepaw is stretched out. ]

In other words, Sigdis was being a pain in the BUTT, & Morgyn wanted a break, so they brought her over here & I put a hunk of plywood over the stairs down. Which she promptly laid on.

This lasted us a while, but inevitably she got bored. Which requires her to stand up. Which can take a minute, she’s a mighty chonker.

2024 08 01 18.44.16

[ Sigdis, slightly blurry, in the process of standing up. Her mouth is open in a quiet meow. ]

Fortunately she is easily distracted by the prospect of Love, & came over as soon as I offered her some.

2024 08 01 18.44.27

[ Sigdis, seen from directly above. She’s hunkered down on the carpet. My hand is visible, giving her a good scritch right on the scruff. ]


2024 08 01 18.45.55

[ Sigdis is hunched over a catnip toy. I’m not sure what it’s supposed to be; it’s a yellow cylinder with green felt leaves. Yellow carrot? Naked pineapple? ]

So then she had to BEAT IT UP.

2024 08 01 18.46.01

[ Sigdis has laid one gentle paw on the toy, and is leaning over it for a good sniff. ]

But enough violence for now!

2024 08 01 18.46.03

[ Sigdis is sitting next to the toy, staring into space. Her brain cell is lonely. ]

Okay done now!

2024 08 01 18.46.14

[ Sigdis is sauntering back to her spot on top of the plywood. ]

How smart is Sigdis?

She’s very pretty.

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