[ Major Tom, a big grey tabby wearing a purple harness, is hunkered down in the cat stroller, looking off to the left. Next to the stroller is a low bike ramp. ]
Tom would like to know what the hell is that & also why did I have to bring him to the park, there’s PEOPLE there.
(It’s been a while since I took Tom anywhere. He’s, uh. Out of practice.)
[ Tom is now hunkered up on a slightly higher bike ramp. His tail straggles down between two of the boards making up the ramp. He’s licking his nose, and his ears are stuck out to the side. ]
Tom is not sure what I think I’m going, putting him on this ramp here, but he’s pretty sure it wasn’t designed for cats & therefore why would he want to have anything to do with it.
(Look, I just thought he might want something interesting to walk on, instead of being worried because there was one(1) person who was pretty far over _there_.)
[ Tom’s on his way from the ramp back into the stroller; three paws are still on the ramp, and his left forepaw is stretched waaay out to reach the stroller. ]
Tom has decided that This Is All Incorrect & he will be noping RIGHT out of the situation.
(OMG FINE but at least the stroller is still a safe place. I GUESS.)
[ Tom’s hunkered back up in the stroller, ears pointing in Directions, head shoved into the back. ]
Tom would like to know why I thought any of this was a good idea in the first place. Also, harrumph.
(Okay welp I guess I’m gonna hafta start over a bit with getting him used to being out in public again)