cats: random photos of cats who are awake, & are, thus, causing problems

2024 07 04 18.13.25

[ Major Tom, a big grey tabby, is sitting on my very cluttered workbench, one leg stuck up, industriously washing his balls. ]

Yes, I do need to take more pictures of Major Tom. Also, too many of them would turn out like that.

Next up, the criminal, posed next to the crime. Pretty sure he thought it was dinnertime. (It was not dinnertime.)

2024 07 14 20.36.54

[ Loiosh, an orange tabby, stands next to an upturned trash can. Various bits of trash are scattered around. He looks more satisfied than triumphant, really. ]

Not really causing problems in this photo, alas. Well. Honestly that’s a good thing, but I know it’s less entertaining for y’all. He’s still adorable.

2024 08 01 18.43.14

[ Loiosh is flopped on my bed, right next to one of his bed baskets, the rectangular green one. He looks pensive, one ear tilted slightly to the side. ]

Intense if slightly blurry side-eye going on here. Not sure what that was about.

2024 07 21 20.09.42

[ As described above. ]

OH right. I think this was another disagreement about the timing of dinner, which I think ought to be nine pm, & Loiosh thinks ought to be Right Now.

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