cats: random photos of sleeping cats

2024 05 18 15.45.12

[ Major Tom, a big grey tabby, is curled up on my lap, facing away from the camera but sound asleep. ]

Four cat pictures make a blog post!

I need to clear off my comfy chair AGAIN, I do like sitting there, it’s just that there’s not enough room for all my Stuff. But Tom will be happy when I do, because then, there will be a Lap again.

I was working on a tunic for a friend earlier this summer, & Loiosh was halping. Here’s the ‘yes it got here & I swear I’m working on it’ pic I took to send off.

2024 07 12 22.03.45

[ Loiosh, an orange tabby, is flopped across my bed, paw draped possessively over some blue linen fabric. He looks aggrieved, but mostly asleep. ]

Sometimes Catte must sleep on Thing

2024 07 30 16.23.01

[ Loiosh is curled up, comfortably asleep, on a largish ziploc bag on the floor. I need to vacuum. ]

Long cat is long, or, how to estimate the temperature based on the current length of your cat.

2024 08 04 19.17.14

[ Loiosh is laying on the floor, stretched alllll the way out. ]

Temperature: Too Hot.

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