[ A yellow five-petalled flower, bright against a background of medium green foliage. Another flower, and several buds just starting to show yellow, are scattered across the green. ]
Once again it was ‘take pictures of flowers at the behavioral health center’ time, because as y’all have probably noticed it’s been too hot to exist, so I’ve been doing a lot of not existing.
… that’s what dissociation does, right? Right?
There were pretty flowers, so I took pictures of pretty flowers.

[ Another part of the bush, with a bunch of faintly yellow buds, just getting ready to open. ]
I don’t know what the plant is, but it’s still making a lot of buds, so should have pretty flowers for a while yet.

[ A close view of a single bloom. One bright petal has had a bite taken out of it. ]
I’m glad. They’re just such a cheerful sight.