2024 05 08 18.22.16

[ Remy, a big black dog with a white splotch on his chest and white toes, is standing on a sheet of plywood in his area, just outside the house. He’s holding a sturdily braided blue rope toy in his mouth, and looking off to the right. His tail is caught midwag, as it is in every picture in this post. ]

(This post is entirely narrated by Remy. I have used all caps in several places to convey the urgency of his barking.)


wanna SEE how i PLAY WITH IT? i go like DIS:

2024 05 08 18.22.18

[ The rope toy is still firmly in his mouth; he’s swung his head to the right, and the toy is swinging even further. ]

wait is that PAPA?

2024 05 08 18.22.19

[ Remy’s looking off to the right again, ears perked forwards. ]

i wait for Papa to get here we can play TOGETHER

2024 05 08 18.22.20

[ Remy’s head has turned back towards the camera, following his Papa’s progress in that direction. ]

PAPA can play now too RAWR I KILL IT RAWR

2024 05 08 18.22.15

[ The rope toy is laying on the plywood; Remy is caught mid-pounce, both hindpaws firmly on the ground, both forepaws in midair. His ears are lifted with focus but the tips have been blown backwards with the force of his leap. His tongue is hanging out of the side of his mouth, and it, too, has been blown backwards at the tip. ]

(The proceedings dissolved into incoherent barking, repeated jumping, & generally a lot of Dog. I love dogs so much, they’re the worst.)

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