[ Loiosh, an orange tabby wearing a green harness with a blue bow tie, is sitting in his blue cat stroller. He and the stroller are both facing to the right; his ears are perked forward. Behind him is the remains of a beautiful Colorado sunset; otherwise it’s getting pretty dark out. ]
Jasper, as always, traveled to OVFF, & as always I had to pick his ass up in Denver afterwards. I’d planned a bunch of errands on the way up, adding extra time to the trip to account for this, & when everything actually went as planned (I know, whaaaaaat) I wound up with about a half hour to kill, just around sunset.
I was in Denver. There was a park two blocks away. That’s just how it goes, in Colorado.

[ Loiosh is still in the stroller, looking more-or-less at the camera now. ]
My boy was perfectly pleased to be decanted from the van into the stroller, covered with my flannel, & wheeled along to the lakeshore trail. I was less pleased; it was COLD, & even with my vest I was cold, & I really wanted my flannel, but Loiosh is old & creaky & you know how THAT goes.
Fortunately for all Loiosh got bored pretty soon.

[ Loiosh, halfway through the process of climbing down from the stroller. One paw’s balanced on the edge, and my flannel is sliding off his hinder parts. ]
I stepped on his leash just long enough to fling my vest off, fling my flannel on, fling the vest back on over it, and shove my hands into my armpits before it was time to follow Loiosh. Who, other than a brief pause to not actually eat grass …

[ Loiosh is standing on a sparsely graveled path, next to a narrow stretch of mostly-frozen grass. Behind him is taller, winter-dry brown grass. with a few houses in the background. Loiosh is intently staring off to the right. ]
… trot trotted the whole way back to the van, & all I had to do was follow him.

[ In the extreme foreground is the front of the stroller; most of the rest of the photo is a very nice concrete path leading off towards a clump of trees in the background. Loiosh, trailing a length of rope, is a few feet ahead off the stroller and to the right, busily trotting along. ]
It was a lovely little break, the perfect spot to stretch my legs, just long enough for the hot chocolate I’d bought to reach a drinkable temperature. & enough exercise for the boy that he slept all through me rearranging stuff in the van before it was time to head to Arrivals. It’s a nice park; I wouldn’t mind living nearby.