cats: post-presents flop time edition

20211225 142057

[Loiosh is meatloafed on the back of the couch. The sun is behind him, so the back of his head has a partial halo. His left hindleg isn’t tucked up beneath him like the rest but instead droops down. ]

The lazy afternoon once the Christmas presents are all open is one of my favourite times of the year. There’s candy to eat, new books to read, new projects made possible that must be planned & considered. Also, napping

Loiosh napped a LOT. Also, there was draping of The Leg, because, apparently, of Reasons.


[ A closer view of The Leg. His claws stick out just a smidge. The blanket he’s laying is patriotically striped. ]

Also one of the presents I recveived from my mother is this MASSIVE fluffy coat/hoodie/sweater/lounging garment/THING, into which, of course, I promptly stuffed myself, & also a cat.

Loiosh was first, but nobody had a camera available, & eventually he wiggled out, punching me in the boob & the face in the process, so I waited a whole four minutes until Sigdis wandered by (& someone had got a camera) to pounce upon her & stuff her in. She was … resigned about the whole thing.


[ A rare sighting of a me! A white person, sitting on a couch, wearing a large fleecy garment with a hood and a zipper up the front. A black cat is also in the garment. Her head is sticking out the neck, along with one paw. I’m grinning at the camera like a dork. ]

Shortly after this picture was taken, she evicted herself, stabbing me in the boob about eight times in the process.

It’s a really nice warm hoodie fluffy thing, though.

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