cats: Sigdis has a Spot edition

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[ A sleek black cat is meatloafed inside a set of blue shelves, atop a bunch of tissue boxes. Her eyes glow yellow with flash, and she has a small white spot on her chest. ]

Sigdis doesn’t just have a spot on her chest, she also has a spot on her belly, & a good napping spot to boot.

Sigdis is one of my roommate Morgyn’s cats, & I don’t take near as many pictures of her as I do of the boys, cos she’s not much of a leashcat & she spends a LOT of time in Morgyn’s room. So when I heard her knock a bunch of stuff over getting to this particular comfy spot, I jumped at the opportunity to grab my camera.

& pick things up, too, she’s … she’s not graceful.

She is, however, much happier when I’m not using the flash. Fair enough.


[ No flash reflection in her eyes this time. They’re still yellow, and her whiskers are all black. She’s looking off to the left. ]

She would also like to know why I’m waving the flat shiny thing at her, but, well, cats.


[ She’s looking right at the camera now. Really more like glaring. Yeah, that’s definitely a glare. ]

… what?

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