[ A close view of a bit of half-buried root; the wood grain curls in waves like the sea in stormy weather. ]
This is a really nice place to spend the winter; I’m really enjoying it here. A yard full of Ponderosas, the mountains rising in the distance, & above it all, that deep blue Colorado sky.
Not that I got any pictures of the sky, it was all tiny stuff on the ground.

I haven’t seen woodpeckers yet, but I’ve heard them, & seen their calling cards.

[ Ponderosa bark, still on the tree, drilled through with two holes, one above the other. ]
I don’t know who dropped this, but it fell in the right spot.

[ A piece of green glass, rounded like a river-worn pebble, is embedded is moss, along with tiny rocks and pine needles. ]
(I spent a little time trying to pry it up, but it’s stuck GOOD.)
Of course I harvested a lil Ponderosa resin while I was out there.

[ A flat mass of pale Ponderosa resin, stuck to the bark of the tree. This wasn’t gonna come loose. ]
It’s good to get outside.