[ Loiosh, an orange tabby wearing a green harness, is in the foreground of the shot; his stroller is facing a paddock full of fluffy white lambs, but he has turned away. Most of the lambs are looking at him, ears perked forwards. ]
Loiosh also got to visit the lambs, who were VERY curious but VERY loud about it, which he really didn’t love.
(should you ever want to replicate the sound lambs make, it’s more ‘mehhhhh’ than ‘baaaaa’, plus stick your tongue out)
He spent most of the afternoon under the big top, attended by me or Jasper or CJ or whoever was taking a break at the time. He napped a LOT.

[ He’s flopped in his stroller, stretched the full length of it, one forepaw braced against the mesh at the back. ]
So much napping.

[ He’s in the same spot, but the camera’s closer. One claw is stuck in the mesh at the back of the stroller, and he’s shoved his face under that foreleg. ]
Eventually it was time to stuff ourselves back in the van & leave. But we’ll be visiting Tenacious Unicorn Ranch again!

[ Loiosh is meatloafed up on a pile of stuff that includes a white t-shirt, a USB cord, and a blue sleeping bag. He looks cranky. ]