cats: tables & chairs edition

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[ Loiosh, an orange tabby, is standing on a small wooden table, looking to the left of the camera. His eyes are green. ]

Loiosh spent most of the time after we finished our walk napping in the sun while I worked on jewelry, but I did get a good pic of him standing on the pendant I was trying to make.

Tom, however, spent a fair bit of time up my nose. Much of this time was spent complaining about passing cars. The first one wasn’t so bad.


[ Tom, a big grey tabby wearing a purple harness, is looking over his shoulder, presumably up at the road. His ears are slightly tilted back but he doesn’t look too concerned. ]

After a bunch more went by though …


[ His ears are angled back and to the side, his eyes are squinched mostly shut, and even his whiskers are tucked back. He is NOT a happy boy. ]

But then he got to hunker down on Momma’s stuff, so that was good.


[Tom’s almost in a meatloaf position on top of my worktable, though his front end isn’t quite settled all the way down. The flat metal anvil holding my jewelry in progress is mostly covered by his belly floof. ]

Eventually, when I got up to get pictures of Loiosh mid-nap, Tom had his moment.


[ And now he’s sitting on my chair. ]

I should’ve expected that.

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