[ Major Tom, a big grey tabby, is meatloafed in the precise center of my bed. The bottom sheet is under him, but the top sheet is balled up right next to him. ]
Last week I was having a serious case of the Februaries, so I took most of the week off. I did manage to change the sheets, which was VERY nice, but it was harder than I feel it ought to have been.
I eventually lured him off the bed by heading for the bathroom. He LOVES a captive audience. Of course I don’t close the bathroom door, I’m not a MONSTER.
(No judgement of those of you who DO close the bathroom door, it’s just that I’ve long since accepted my place in the hierarchy here.)
He LOVES the blanket my Aunt Ann crocheted, though, so he was perfectly happy to reoccupy his place on the bed.

[ Tom’s laying on the bed again, this time on a pinky-purple crocheted blanket. He’s looking off to the right, and one of his forepaws is visible, tucked into the blanket. ]
… what?

[ Same spot, but now he’s turned his head to look at the camera. His ears are stuck out at a variety of angles. ]
In the meantime, Loiosh has had a number of LOVE EMERGENCIES. Mostly that looks like this.

[ An extreme closeup of Loiosh’s face. His nose, pink with a couple black freckles, is in focus; the rest of his face is slightly blurry. ]
But eventually he laid down so I could get some sewing done.

[ Loiosh, an orange tabby, is meatloafed on a light grey fuzzy blanket that has white cats on it. It’s hard to tell, but he’s on my lap & I’m laying on the couch. ]