[ A red Milwaukee circular saw, sitting on a table along with a steel ruler, a green pen, & random boards. ]
Innit purty?
Also means I can DO things, so Wednesday I went outside & Did things.
First I hadda mark the circular saw as mine, though. I tried putting my SCA badge on my first couple Milwaukee tools, but it’s too complicated for such small spaces, so I designed this mark, which I can do with a sharpie.

[ Drawn on the handle of the circular saw is a circle with a cross in it, with three lines on each side that look like whiskers. ]
Witness my highly technological recordkeeping technique! (It’s since been rained on.)

[ A hunk of 2×4 with two numbers written on it in green ink. Also a rusty metal ruler and a green pen. ]
Usually I do my sanding sitting down, but my chair still had snow on it, so I hadda work at the sawhorses.

[ A pair of sawhorses, with two lengths of board on top. Sitting on them is a cordless drill with a flap wheel attached. ]
Standing & working in front of me hurts after not too long — my spine is sure a Thing — so I didn’t get a LOT done, but there was progress! & then Thursday I got more done. It’s nice to FINALLY have enough time — & brain & energy — to be working on Tyrava again. There’s just been WAY TOO MUCH.
But check this out — I finally finished up this wall section next to the side door! That means this side is halfway done!

[ A fairly narrow section of Tyrava’s inside wall, which is now covered in reclaimed wood all the way to the top. ]
… & then I ran out of boards, so that was ANOTHER trip, but more about that later.