[ Major Tom, a big grey tabby, seen from behind, looking out the front door. There’s a lot of snow out there & he’s having Opinions about that; his tail is caught mid-lash. ]
I will freely admit that I was FAR more excited about the snow than the boys were. But Tom did, eventually, go outside.
He even got snow on his paws!

[ Cat footprints in the snow. ]
… very briefly.

[ Tom is hunkered down on bare ground under the tinker’s wagon, peeking out from behind one of the tires. ]
FINE MOM, I am outSIDE, are you HAPPY.

[ He’s standing on another patch of bare ground at the front corner of the tinker’s wagon, looking around. ]
okay no look this is JUST NOT ON

[ His hindpaws are still on the bare spot, but he’s stuck one forepaw in the snow, & he’s stretching the other one WAY out to take a step. ]
… the one forepaw he’s holding up just KILLS ME

[ And now he’s sitting at the front door, one forepaw held up out of the snow, ears stuck out to the sides, glaring at me. ]
That said, he got a LOT further than Loiosh did.

[ Seen from outside: Loiosh, an orange tabby, is sniffing at the doorframe of the open front door, but he doesn’t look at ALL like he’s actually going to step outside. ]
So then I took a nice half-hour walk by myself & they missed it ALL, the end.