I found this rusty weird-ass chunk of wire in the backyard of a house in Albuquerque, & I knew right away it was gonna turn into something like this. When I tucked it into the basket to go out to the woods yesterday, it told me its name: Suspend.
Not a lot of framing on this one, so we start with the wire & the two seaglass pieces that form the main part of the design. I wasn’t sure what I was doing with the rest of it until I got out to the woods, even though I spent an hour or two the night before thinking about it, while trying to get to sleep.
Sometimes you just need the wire in your hands, though, before it tells you what it wants to be.

I got to play with SHAPES & it was FUN.
Then I hammered them all flat & tapped em with the round end of the hammer to make em all dimply.
One of the best parts of this job is that basically I get to be five.

Looking back, I’m kind of surprised at how close I stayed to the arrangement I worked out here. Especially considering how much I had to tweak last week’s piece!
Figuring out how to attach everything took some messing around, too, but I got there.

I had a bit of a problem with the top seaglass piece …

… but it turned out to be a pretty easy fix.

no, not holding it there with my finger *exasperated sigh*
That’s where I hit the ‘forget to take more pictures until I’m done’ part of the operation.

I am REALLY happy with this piece. It’s wild, it’s random, but it’s got a balance to it. I’m seeing influences ranging from 80s school folder covers to Neolithic European pottery. It’s gonna be a PAIN IN THE BUTT to get good pictures of.
… as witness.

Enh. I’ll figure it out. Or someone might buy it before I need to take more pictures. It’s happened before.
This was posted originally to my Patreon, a little over a week ago.
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