Painted the other long edge of the front door. This is the kind of texture I’m talking about — gotta get all those lil holes filled.
The rest of today I worked on the back wall, in between rain showers. The monsoon is finally here — I hope?
Here’s one of the two boards I acquired on the way from the mailbox last night. I’m pulling them from a sort of partial enclosure on an otherwise empty chunk of land. It’s right next to the road, which is nice. & it’s such pretty wood.

This is what it looks like once I’ve sanded it down — there’s still a lot of interesting texture left. I’m leaving some of the tapered edges there, too, as long as the boards still fit together reasonably well.

Here’s a nice little knothole. I’ll have to fill it in with something eventually. I have some ideas.

The one thing I’d do differently, & will, on my next build, is make the framing actually sixteen inches on center, as is standard. Not so much for the extra strength — although that’s rarely a bad idea — but because that way the insulation will fit without me having to squidge in little strips to make it the right width.

I mean it works, but it’s a pain in the butt, & I really should squidge another narrow strip in there to fill the gap properly, which I’m probably not going to because, well. Pain in the butt.
But I got the board below the window cut & put in place — which was annoying, cos the boards below it are different heights — & one board next to the window on each side.

& that’s it for the day, because I’m out of boards, & it’s raining again. Good & hard — here’s hoping it is the monsoon.