What with one thing & another I am … slightly behind on posting. But my new phone has an excellent camera & a sturdy case so I went outside & took some pictures of what I’ve been working on the last couple weeks.
Above, the cabinet! Looking MUCH more interesting with a couple coats of paint & hardware that’s not boring. I’m glad I cut some of the backing stuff out, cos now it shows off the pallet wood wall behind the cabinet when it’s open.
I still might paint the inside something other than white, but we’ll see. Probably the same pale lavender as the inside of the door, if I do.

The front door! Both sides are painted, along with one edge, & it’ll be ready to go back into place in a couple more days. Which will be nice, because right now all that’s securing Tyrava is a beat-up interior door leaned against the doorframe.

& the back wall, almost halfway done! The bigger boards make it go a LOT faster. I need to get some closeup shots of the wood, it’s got really interesting wear & tear, & I managed to preserve the live edges on some of them. Once that’s done, that big window is next.

Progress: it’s what’s for dinner!