but these are definitely ungulates.
I was driving randomly around backroads Thoreau (which is, truly, most of Thoreau) when I happened upon a mixed herd of sheep & goats.
Just kinda farting around, grazing on stuff along the side of the road. As mowing efforts go, I think I like this better than, you know, mowers.
Mostly white but not entirely, some with babies but mostly not, mostly not sheared.
Just entirely random sheep & goats, hanging around on the edge of the road.
(The shepherd _was_ there, along with an extremely flopped sheepdog, but they were just keeping half an eye on everyone, not trying to move them along or anything.)
They were kind enough to stay out of my way! Except for this one.
Eventually I was allowed to continue on my way.
Goats, man. What are you gonna do.