I promise Tyrava didn’t look like that inside all week.
I took WAY more pictures at Estrella itself than I usually manage, but this is still sort of random. I did NOT ever get pictures of Tyrava’s setup once I got everything arranged, alas. Although here’s one picture of the inside, on a cold night.

Tom was under the covers & tucked up next to my hip, so basically I couldn’t move At All. But we were all warm!
Hades & Loiosh both spent a lot of time in the booth, but somehow I kept just getting Hades pictures. He spent a LOT of the week on the top bunk of the cat bed. So did Loiosh. Neither of them used the bottom bunk, because they’re picky. Or possibly leaving it for Major Tom, but let’s be real, they’re cats.

I also had a lot of Lap Hades.

Tom came out of Tyrava pretty rarely, though he ventured out once or twice & did let a few people pet him. He decided he really likes the neighbor’s kid, though — late in the week he started sitting on her lap. Brave boy!
No pictures of that, alas, because I was usually supervising, or occasionally squawking cos I was SO PROUD of him.
Gifts from a friend. Yes, this is two entire-ass canvas wedge tents. At least that’s what they are now — eventually they’ll be the awning & walls for the booth.

I kinda love this one. She’s a customer I see every year or two, but she hasn’t bought lip balm in a while — & when I say ‘a while’ I mean I haven’t used those labels since I was living with my mom back in 2012 or so. I’m just glad she remembered which scent it was.

Friday it started raining, which was precisely NOT what those of us who were there last year wanted to see. It wasn’t bad at first!

& it never got too bad — not compared to last year — but it still wasn’t anything you’d call fun. I am VERY glad I saved up for good mud boots.

It cleared up Saturday afternoon, & by teardown time things were mostly more-or-less not terrible. & it was a lot easier to stay warm!

It was a good war, me & the boys all had a good time, Tom did VERY well at his first event, & Tyrava made everything SO MUCH easier.
This was posted originally to my Patreon, a little over a week ago.
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