Estrella: Day 1! Ish!

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In which we drove some, stopped some, & there was Chinese food.

See above: the double decker cat tree, which rides in the van’s passenger seat whenever I am on the road with the boys, because that’s what they do.

Delicious Chinese food, because I remembered the place from last year & also, fuck racist people who stop eating Chinese food because they think they’re gonna catch coronavirus from it.

An oval plate holds a pile of noodles, broccoli, & zucchini.

We stopped at a little park in Snowflake, Arizona, so the boys could run a little. It’s a nice place — fenced around two sides so the boys were at least a little bounded, not a lot of people, a lil amphitheatre that I hope they use to stage terrible high school plays.

They all explored a bit, but I was keeping a close eye on Tom, because he’s still pretty new at this. He did okay for a bit …

Tom must be pretty interested in that brick wall he's smelling, because he's got his face pretty much shoved into it.

…but then decided he was Done.

Tom is sitting just inside the driver's side door of the van. His ears & whiskers are pricked forward.

My favourite road:

A two-lane road leads straight through flat, scrubby desert under a blue sky, all seen from inside the van.

Tom, settled in for the night.

Tom is neatly tucked into his fluffy cat cave, eyes closed. Behind him is the wall of the tinker's wagon.

I have a LOT of Estrella stuff to post, so there’s probably gonna be stuff every day for a while.

This was posted originally to my Patreon, a little over a week ago.

If you want to see these posts sooner, & not incidentally help support me & my cats in our travels & such, the way to do that is to sign up as one of my Patrons for as little as a buck a month.

I’d REALLY like that.