After a long, lovely autumn without having to worry TOO much about things getting wet, it’s time for the winter precipitation.
I’d already planned to use a tarp for the roof, at least until I can afford something nicer, so I just ordered that a bit earlier than I would have otherwise & strapped it down over the rafters.
& by ‘strapped’ & mean I used a bunch of clip clamps & whatever else was hanging around. It wasn’t anything you’d call pretty.
Or very stable, it turns out. Monday I woke up to surprise!wind. I’d been working on the walls all weekend, but I hadn’t gotten to the roof (& I don’t have the plywood yet ANYWAY) so there was nothing for it: I had to get the tarp strapped back down.
I got SO MUCH done over the weekend, though. Here’s the front wall, FINISHED:
& the left side wall, _almost_ done. I need three more t&g boards & that’s DONE.
Also I collected every bungee cord I could lay my hands on & borrowed some tiedowns from my roommate, & THIS time the tarp is SECURE.
The inside really feels like an inside now!
I’ve got a tarp over the big back window & another over the side door, but I didn’t have yet another tarp for the front door, so I … improvised. With a door.
Specifically, the closet door I’d pulled off when I first moved in here. Suitably braced. Heck, I’d just use it for the real door, but it’s the hollow kind. Alas.
It’s all good. I’m gonna grab a couple nice sturdy wood doors from the abandoned house & cut those down.
I also moved the tinker’s wagon around to the lee side of the house. It’s still wooshy there but not nearly so bad. & everything stayed up while I was moving it! Which. Of course it was going to. Probably. I wasn’t worried that all the screws would spontaneously fall off. Too much.
It’s staying there until there’s ACTUALLY a roof & probably until I’ve got doors in & something to go over the window. & then it’s moving to the driveway outside my front window, cos it turns out if I can’t look out & make sure it’s still there every once in a while, I get all skitchy.
Also there’s less mud.
This was posted originally to my Patreon, a little over a week ago.
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