more county fair

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This is my favourite goat.

This is why.

A big fancy purple ribbon hangs above a pen. It says 'Bi-Bounty Fair Prewitt New Mexico' but all the other words are obscured because it's been chewed up by a goat.

I didn’t take near enough cat pictures this week, & I immediately posted most of the ones I had, so this week you get goats.

This is an Unnecessary Closeup of my favourite goat, who also made a brief attempt at eating my camera.

Blurry goat face.

This is another goat who is Very Excellent & also, bored.

A brown goat stands with their hind hooves in the feed bin & their front hooves resting on one of the boards making up the pen. They also have their head tilted back VERY FAR, because, apparently, of Reasons.

… what?

Same goat, same spot. VERY innocent look. Also, long ears.

Here are two Very Good sheep. When I asked the young person attached to the sheep what kind they were, I was told ‘I don’t know, just ordinary sheep I guess?’. I think they’re black-faced sheep, because they have black faces. Also I fear for the local 4-H group, because how do you not know what kind of sheep you’re raising.

A pair of recently-shorn sheep in another pen. They're mostly white with black faces, ears, & legs, & they're standing right next to each other happily eating hay.

Next week will probably be more cats, but eventually I’ll get around to posting the cow pictures.

This was posted originally to my Patreon, a little over a week ago.

If you want to see these posts sooner, & not incidentally help support me & my cats in our travels & such, the way to do that is to sign up as one of my Patrons for as little as a buck a month.

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