As with so many things, he started young.
He was just a couple months old when Queen Astrid met him & immediately fell in love. In the meantime I’m pretty sure I was getting gently scolded for not being at Midwinter where my Argent Hart was actually awarded. I explained that I had really wanted to attend, but I’d been working. In Hell. It was Walmart; close enough.
Much later, while living in Dragonsspine, Loiosh got into what would be a bad habit for anyone not as cute as he is.

Just LOOK how pleased he is with himself. Lil shit.
Fortunately everyone thought it was adorable. Both times. As witness:

& then a Battlemoor or so later …

Why yes, that IS one of the thrones of the Outlands.
Fortunately Queen Danielle, like her distant ancestor Queen Astrid, loves him.

I didn’t take these last two pics. I’m pretty sure I was facepalming, & also planning how to survive charges of lèse-majestĂ©. Because it’s not like anyone’s gonna blame the CAT.
This was posted originally to my Patreon, a little over a week ago.
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