my ragweed brings all the ungulates to the yard?

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No cat pictures this week, because this time it’s cows. I … don’t even know.

I’ve been heaving hoofbeats at night every once in a while, but I’d figured it was the horses until one night I heard someone moo. I mean sometimes it’s still horses, but apparently sometimes it is, also, cows.

They were still around the next morning, so I got you a picture of cow butt.

Plus other cow pictures, but. Cow butt.

These were all taken through window screens, because there was a bull, & while I will happily stand still while horses run past & around me, I ain’t messin with a bull, so I stayed inside.

Also it was like, sunrise, & I wasn’t awake enough to even _begin_ to figure out clothing.


I just don’t even know.

This was posted originally to my Patreon, a little over a week ago.

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