IT TURNS OUT that if you use right-angle thingers & clamps to hold your 2×2 pieces together, & then GLUE them into place, & ONLY THEN do you drill the pilot holes & put in the wood screws, it works a WHOLE LOT BETTER.
… it also turns out that the stuff I learned from my dad, while very useful for house-building, missed a lot of information when it comes to putting together things smaller than houses. >.>
BUT HEY. I’m getting there. & it’s good to know that when basically everything else I’ve made out of wood has turned out funky & not fitting together quite right, it isn’t because I’m just bad at it, it’s because I’m not using the right tools.
Like right-angle thingers & clamps & glue.
Also, wood screws that are FOR DEFINITELY long enough to not come right back out. Like these.
I used some older, more interesting wood for the shelves themselves …
LOOK at the grain.
They’re sturdy enough to hold Major Tom! Complete with Loioshbutt photobomb.
This was posted originally to my Patreon, a little over a week ago.
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