I love how they turned the cat-bed-on-the-seat into a doubledecker cat bed. They’re still doing it now that we’re home, too.
On the way to Battlemoor, I’d noticed, off to one side of Wolf Creek Pass, a bunch of RVs tucked into the woods along a creek. I made a note of it as a possible nice boondocking spot, & on the way home, I set out to find it again.
I had to drive up the mostly-dirt road about seven miles before I found a good spot that wasn’t already taken (seems Monday isn’t the time to go; most of the spots were empty when I went back past them the next day) but WOW, am I glad I went that far. I found a nice mostly-shaded spot next to a HUGE meadow with a crisp mountain stream running through it.
(I also found a LOT of mosquitos, since about half the meadow was flooded, but I had bug spray, so that wasn’t TOO bad.)
But. C’mon. LOOK AT THIS.

PLUS I got to spread out my nice new carpet to dry, which meant I could sit & generally sprawl without getting pine needles (or sap!) on my butt.
Loiosh, ignoring the view. (LOOK AT THE VIEW.)

I just let them all run around without leashes. They never went too far, which I’ve always worried about, & came back when I shook the treats. Course if I was gonna be in the van for a while they hadda come in, too.


We napped & sprawled around & explored a little bit (which is how me & Loiosh discovered how much of the meadow is flooded) & generally did a whole lot of not much. It was AWESOME, & a really nice way to start relaxing again after Battlemoor.
At one point a guy came wandering along the creek with his dog. He was fly fishing, whch I’ve heard about (my brother-in-law is into it) but never seen done, so I wandered down to say hi & meet his dog. Of course Loiosh wandered after me & almost got a noseful of overly-licky dog, but the guy called his dog back AND the dog listened, which isn’t always the case with Loiosh around. I was impressed.
I also took the second-fastest bath of my life, & by ‘bath’ I mean ‘hell YEAH I went in the creek, & hell YEAH I went in nekkid’, but DAMN was it cold.

I’d say that Loiosh was concerned, except that he was distracted by probably a butterfly or something.

Anyway I woke up Tuesday morning after probably 18 hours of combined napping & sleep, ready to go. The rest of the drive was MUCH better for the rest break, & the cats were MUCH calmer after getting to actually run around some. So much so that Hades … well, no, he’s like this all the time.

*facepalm* *siiiiiiiiiiiigh*

This was posted originally to my Patreon, a little over a week ago.
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